Welcome to
Barnes Osteopaths

Barnes Osteopaths opened in 2007 and has grown into an established family-centred practice treating people of all ages.

We are specialise in women’s health, pregnancy and post-natal care, as well as promoting healthy ageing. Our patient care extends from tiny babies upward, encompassing a diverse range of individuals from the community seeking treatment for various sprains and strains. Embracing the challenge of unravelling longer-term or systemic issues, we often collaborate with allied health professionals to deliver optimal treatment.

Our approach is patient-centred, characterized by thoroughness and professionalism. Each treatment is meticulously tailored to address your specific needs and the nuances of your concern. We take pride in ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the underlying causes, emphasizing accuracy in our assessment and personalized care.


Osteopathy is a safe, non-invasive, but profound way of treating people without drugs or surgery.

Mum & Baby

As osteopaths, we believe in optimising your body’s ability to deal with pregnancy’s inherent stresses and strains.


Access the booking system via Book your appointmentYou also can call or send us a message on 07449674480  to make or change an appointment from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm